Engleză: Exerciţii: Verbul

Ortografiaţi următoarele verbe la persoana a III-a singular Past Tense, forma în -ing şi participiul trecut:

  1. study
  2. ply
  3. pay
  4. write
  5. stop
  6. cut
  7. travel
  8. occur
  9. die
  10. dye
  11. refer
  12. wash
  13. watch
  14. go to
  15. begin
  16. cry
  17. see
  18. regret
  19. free
  20. show
  21. sew

Puneţi verbele din paranteză la timpul potrivit.

  1. Look! It (rain). Take you umbrelle.
  2. Why (he, drive) so fast today?
  3. It (start) to rain while she (walk) in the park yesterday.
  4. The telephone (ring) just as he (go) out a few minutes ago.
  5. If the weather (be) fine tomorrow, we (go) on a trip to Poiana Braşov.
  6. What time (the train leave)? It (leave) at 8 o’clock according to schedule.


  1. It is raining
  2. Is he driving; drives
  3. started, was walking
  4. rang, was going out
  5. is, shall be skiing
  6. does the train leave, leaves

Traduceţi în limba engleză:

  1. Plouă. Plouă adesea toamna.
  2. Plouă de când ai venit.
  3. A plouat.
  4. A plouat şi ieri.
  5. Ploua când m-am uitat pe fereastră.
  6. Stă să plouă.
  7. Vom face o plimbare după ce va fi stat ploaia.
  8. Nu vom merge în parc dacă nu va sta ploaia.


  1. It is raining. It often rains in autumn.
  2. It has been raining since you came.
  3. It has rained.
  4. It rained yesterday too.
  5. It was raining when I looked out of the window.
  6. Is looks like rain.
  7. We’ll go for a walk when the rain has stopped.
  8. We shan’t go for a wak unless it stops raining.

Treceţi următoarele propoziţii la diateza pasivă, transformând complementul persoanei în subiect.

  1. The guide is showing them the museum.
  2. They have appointed him president.
  3. She has given me a good dictionary.
  4. They will tell you what time the bus leaves.
  5. I’ll pay the cartenter for his work.
  6. He promised them new bicycles.


  1. They are being shown the museum.
  2. He has been appointed president.
  3. I have been given a good dictionary.
  4. You will be told what time the bus leaves.
  5. The carpender will be paid for his work.
  6. They were promised new bicycles.

Traduceţi următoarele propoziţii în limba engleză, folosind verbe la diateza pasivă:

  1. Această problemă trebuie analizată.
  2. Nu s-a dormit în acest pat.
  3. Copiii au fost bine îngrijiţi.
  4. Câinele a fost călcat de un autobuz.
  5. Vor râde de tine dacă vei purta rochia asta.


  1. This matter must be looked into.
  2. This bed has not been slept in.
  3. The children were well looked after.
  4. The dog was run over by a bus.
  5. You will be laughed at if you wear this dress.

Traduceţi în limba engleză folosind forme ale subjonctivului sintetic sau analitic:

  1. Este recomandabil să fii acolo la ora 8 fix.
  2. Ei cer ca trupele inamice să fie retrase de pe teritoriul lor.
  3. De ce să facem noi asta ?
  4. Dorinţa lui ca noi să devenim profesori s-a îndeplinit.
  5. Fie ce-o fi, voi porni motorul.


  1. It is advisable that you be / should be there at eight o’clock sharp.
  2. They require that the enemy troops be / should be withdrawn from their territory.
  3. Why should we do this?
  4. His wish that we should become teachers has been fulfilled.
  5. Come what may, I’ll start the engine.

Completaţi spaţiile libere cu prepoziţiile necesare şi puneţi verbele din paranteze la gerunziu:

  1. The bad weather prevent him… (leave) last Monday.
  2. Our teacher doesn’t approve… (study) late at night.
  3. He worries… (lose) his position.
  4. He finally succeeded… (post) the letter.
  5. She insists… (do) everything herself.
  6. This research aims… (find) a more efficient method.


  1. from leaving
  2. of studying
  3. about losing
  4. in posting
  5. on doing
  6. at finding

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la gerunziu, iar pronumele personale la acuzativ (pentru o exprimare familiară) sau transformaţi-le în pronume posesive (pentru o exprimare mai literară):

  1. I can’t understand (he, forget) to come to the meeting.
  2. My mother hates (I, read) while I’m while I’m eating.
  3. I don’t remember (he, come) late before.
  4. Excuse (I, interrupt) you.
  5. I don’t like (she, wear) my dresses.
  6. I object to (they, make) so much noise.
  7. He doesn’t agree to (we, come) late to school.


  1. him / his forgeting
  2. me/my reading;
  3. him/his coming;
  4. me for interrupting you/my interrupting you;
  5. her/her wearing;
  6. them/their making;
  7. us/our coming.

Puneţi verbele din paranteze la infinitivul cu to sau gerunziu în funcţie de sens:

  1. I will remember (give) your mother your message.
  2. I remember (meet) him at your birthday last year.
  3. Please stop (interrupt) me in the middle of a sentence.
  4. He stopped (talk) to his former pupils.
  5. Did you forget (give) him that message?
  6. I definitely recall (leave) my coat in this room.


  1. to give
  2. meeting
  3. interrupting
  4. to talk
  5. to give
  6. leaving

Puneţi cuvintele din paranteze la forma corectă (participiu în -ing sau participiu trecut):

  1. We saw an (entertain) programme on TV last night.
  2. The carpenter repaired the (break) chair.
  3. We’ll have to work hard the (follow) weeks.
  4. The police were on the tracks of the (follow) man.
  5. That was a very (interest) book.
  6. The (interest) parties signed the agreement.
  7. They sell (freeze) goods here.
  8. The temperature is below (freeze) point.


  1. entertaining
  2. broken
  3. following
  4. followed
  5. interesting
  6. interested
  7. frozen
  8. freezing

Traduceţi în limba engleză:

  1. Cărţile împrumutate de la bibliotecă trebuie înapoiate la timp.
  2. Ferestrele salonului se deschideau spre o terasă cu privire la mare.
  3. Auzind paşi, se întoarse tresărind.
  4. Toate lucrurile pe care le ştim de mult ne sunt dragi.
  5. Tăcu, părând mirat de purtarea mea.
  6. După ce a terminat ce-avea de făcut, se ridică să oprească maşina.


  1. Books borrowed from the library must be returned in time.
  2. The windows of the drawing-room opened on to a terrace overlooking the sea.
  3. Hearing footsteps, he turned with a start.
  4. All long known objects are dear to us.
  5. He kept silent, as if puzzled by my behaviour.
  6. Having completed her piece of work, she rose to switch off the machine.

Traduceţi în limba engleză, folosind verbe modale potrivite ca sens:

  1. Vrei să-mi aduci ziarul, te rog?
  2. Să cumpăr nişte banane? Aş prefera să cumpăr nişte portocale.
  3. Vreţi să semnaţi în registru, vă rog?
  4. Puteţi să mă ajutaţi la bagaje?
  5. Doriţi o ceaşcă de cafea? Nu, mulţumesc. Aş dori o ceaşcă de ceai.
  6. Ea nu ştie încă englezeşte, dar va şti această limbă peste câţiva ani.


  1. Will you fetch me the newspaper, please.
  2. Shall I buy some bananas? You’d rather buy some oranges.
  3. Would you sign in the register, please.
  4. Could you help me with my luggage?
  5. Would you like a cup of coffee? No, thank you.
  6. She can't speak English yet, but she will be able to do so in a few years' time.